TGFLIP Marketing

Mar 26, 20214 min

Inbound VS Outbound Marketing: A New Approach in 2021

Updated: May 12, 2021


March 26, 2021


  1. Inbound Marketing: An Intro

  2. Inbound Marketing vs Outbound Marketing

  3. Inbound Marketing Statistics

  4. How To Start With Inbound Marketing

  5. Inbound Marketing Ideas

  6. Our Part In Your Success

1. Inbound Marketing: An Intro

Inbound marketing works by enhancing your business through crafting valuable, long-term relationships with your audience, customers, and potential customers. It is focused on empowering and providing value to the people so that they can achieve their goals. In a broader sense, it is directed to achieve a long-term beneficial relationship with the customer instead of a one-time sale.

General inbound marketing works in three fundamental ways:

  1. Attract: The first way is to attract a potential customer to your platform. This is usually done by establishing conversations with the prospects and coming up with a piece of helpful advice for them.

  2. Engage: Once they are on your platform, now you need to engage them. This can be done by sharing insights into different working processes of your niche, or by discussing the common goals in detail.

  3. Captivate: Now, as they are already engaged with your content, you need to bring out your support and help for them, so that they can achieve their goals.

All of these 3 procedures are discussed in detail in the 4th section of this blog.

2. Inbound Marketing VS Outbound Marketing:

Outbound marketing aims to deliver your ads to a wide range of audiences resulting in coming in front of mostly uninterested people. While Inbound Marketing delivers your message specifically to the best prospects and interested people. Inbound marketing is just a magnet that only attracts potential customers.

The medium utilized by inbound marketing is mostly websites, blogs, ebooks, etc. You can see that they are all highly targeted platforms and therefore are more effective. On the other hand, outbound marketing uses TV ads, billboards, magazines, etc that are obviously not as specific as the former one.

3.Inbound Marketing Statistics:

“Inbound leads cost 61% less on average than outbound leads.”


The above fact represents the effectiveness of investment in inbound marketing. This is possible due to the specific targeting of ads in inbound marketing.

“Only 29% of people want to talk to a salesperson to learn more about a product, while 62% will consult a search engine.”

Inbound marketing is all focused on online marketing (digital marketing) and as shown in the above stat the current market is more inclined toward online research, this proves the effectiveness of using inbound marketing instead of outbound marketing.

Another shocking inbound marketing statistic is shared below:

“Properly executed inbound marketing is 10x more effective for lead conversion than outbound”

4. How to Start With Inbound Marketing:

As already mentioned in the intro section that inbound marketing basically works on 3 fundamental principles, now we are going to elaborate on them a bit.

1. Attracting:

The first strategy that you require to do is to attract a layman into your platform. This involves research over different ad types, customer behavior, etc. Additionally, it requires SEO of your content so it explicitly appears in front of your potential customer. The SEO consists of using high volume and ranked keywords in your content that make your content easily accessible through any search engine.

You can start with uploading content on different platforms because you need something to show up and drive attention. For content tips, you can visit our Facebook or Instagram pages.

2. Engaging:

To ensure an engaging strategy you need to come up with content that truly targets the customers' problems and provide them something to continue their time on your platform. This engagement directly to your content and the better your content is, the more engagement it ensures.

Additionally, this engagement depends upon the UX and how your platform presents the sales calls. Engagement is a pre-setup process for the next strategy and you should work on it for the betterment of whole inbound marketing.

3. Captivating:

As of now, the visitor has already spent enough time on your platform and maybe had already done a purchase, now it would be a better thing to come up with a small survey or chatbot. This thing would put a positive impact on the customer’s side and he would love to visit back in the future. Additionally, the survey would provide the weak points that still need to work upon.

5. Inbound Marketing Ideas:

Inbound marketing is all about providing value to your audience and increasing engagement. Inbound marketing aims to a long-term relationship with the visitors and for that, we are going to provide several content ideas:

  1. Niche educational blog

  2. Expert interviews

  3. Infographics

  4. Surveys

  5. Data insights

  6. Case studies

  7. Market reading

  8. Ebooks

  9. Webinars

  10. Team introduction videos

  11. Effective niche tools

  12. Sharing templates

  13. Basic how-to videos

  14. Free consultation

  15. Webinars

And for more ideas, you can visit our Facebook and Instagram pages.

6. Our Part In Your Success:

TGFLIP MARKETING AGENCY is committed to your success and hence we are providing everything possible to your business so that it can achieve real growth. Inbound marketing is undoubtedly essential for business growth in the 21st century but many businesses leave it because it requires consistency for a constant customer stream.

But you don’t need to worry about it anymore as we are here to assist you in this process. TGFLIP MARKETING AGENCY uses effective and profitable inbound marketing strategies to boost up your business progress in a short time. If that sounds exactly what you want, then shoot us a message as soon as possible and start your success story with us!

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